Having trouble migrating your address book from Outlook to Evolution? I did. I had a lot of contacts in Outlook, but I was unable to export these because the Import/Export engine was not installed, and the CD was not to be found. So, then what? I searched around online, looking for utilities to convert file formats like pst to something Evolution could understand, but with no luck. I forwarded all my contacts as attachments in an email, but Evolution doesn't have the functionality to open/save/import many attachments (or files) at once. And here's me thinking things were supposed to be easier with computers in the 21st century...
Here's a short recipe of how I moved my address book. Beware, your success with these instructions may vary, but it seemed to work well enough for me.
cat mail | perl -ne 'chomp; if ($_ eq "BEGIN:VCARD") { $p=1; }; print $_,"\n" if $p; if ($_ eq "END:VCARD") { $p = 0; }' > vcards.vcf
(C) 2004, Ketil Froyn